Arana Hills Church of Christ – Applications for new Office Administrator position are open! This permanent part time role (30 hours per week) will be perfect for the rightly gifted and passionate candidate interested in supporting church leadership at Arana.
Please submit your resume to [email protected], attention to Tony Sargent.
Arana Hills Church of Christ – Office Administrator Position Description
The Presbyterian Church of Victoria (PCV) is seeking a faithful Christian, academically able to lead the ministry of the Presbyterian Theological College in Melbourne, Australia. The ideal applicant will be academically qualified and with experience in pastoral ministry, who can give direction to the development of the college, be a model of integrity and faithful Bible teaching to the students, support and encourage the work of colleagues.
The principal will also have a role in the wider Presbyterian Church of Victoria and encourage the work of the gospel in congregations throughout the State. The PCV believes that the College is in a unique position to have a significant role in promoting the work of the gospel in the State of Victoria both within and beyond the bounds of the denomination and is looking for a person of energy and determination who can see the opportunities and lead the College in making its contribution through the training of faithful gospel ministers.
Position qualifications: The successful candidate will either be a minister in full standing with the Presbyterian Church of Australia; or be willing to satisfy the requirements of the rules of the General Assembly of Australia relative to the reception of ministers from other churches; or similarly able to provide theological and spiritual leadership as a teacher of the Church. The successful candidate must embrace and actively promote the Reformed faith as embodied in the confessional standards of the Presbyterian Church of Australia. Previous experience in academic teaching, academic administration, and curriculum design is desirable, as well as a proven ability to participate in wider academic and cultural engagement across a variety of platforms.
Full-time. Expected start date: SEM 2, 2024.
Close date for applications 28 February 2024.
Application instructions: All applications should include a current CV, a cover letter and contact details for at least three referees and are to be directed by email to the PCV Theological Committee Chair, Rev. Kevin Maxwell ([email protected]).
Please contact the Office if you have any questions or to request the full detailed position description – +61 3 9898 9384 or [email protected].
Lecturer in Church History and Practical Theology
We are seeking a faithful Christian, academically able in the discipline of historical studies and with experience in pastoral oversight who can help students understand the challenges and gospel opportunities of the intellectual, moral and cultural context in Australia. The lecturer will also have a role in the wider PCV as it engages with doctrinal and pastoral issues.
The lecturer will be responsible for teaching the church history courses offered by the PTC, and also for teaching courses in the area of practical theology. The successful candidate would contribute to the academic culture of the college not only in research but also in fostering the development of students engaged in our MTh/PhD program.
The successful candidate will either be a minister in full standing with the Presbyterian Church of Australia; or be willing to satisfy the requirements of the rules of the General Assembly of Australia relative to the reception of ministers from other churches; or similarly able to provide theological and spiritual leadership as a teacher of the Church. The successful candidate must embrace and actively promote the Reformed faith as embodied in the confessional standards of the Presbyterian Church of Australia.
Previous experience in academic teaching, academic administration, and curriculum design is desirable, as well as a proven ability to participate in wider academic and cultural engagement across a variety of platforms.
Full-time. Expected start date: SEM 1, 2024.
Close date for applications 30 November 2023.
Application instructions: All applications should include a current CV, a cover letter and contact details for at least three referees and are to be directed by email to the PCV Theological Committee Chair, Rev. Kevin Maxwell ([email protected]).
Please contact the Office if you have any questions or to request the full detailed position description – +61 3 9898 9384 or [email protected].
MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY – Next Generations Pastor
North-East Baptist Church is located 20 minutes from the centre of Brisbane in Nundah. NEB is an active, local, relevant and contemporary witness to Jesus Christ in the north-eastern suburbs of Brisbane. NEB is seeking to appoint an applicant who has the appropriate heart, giftings and passion to build on the strengths of our existing ministries.
The Next Generation Pastor would be responsible for providing leadership, and ministry assistance when necessary, to the various leaders, volunteers and teams ministering to those from birth to Young Adult (25 years of age). This role will help carry out the church’s mission and vision, and requires someone who is strategically minded, administratively skilled, and intentional with recruiting and developing teams within the scope of the next generation of Jesus followers. The NextGen Pastor will also possess a pastoral heart that can lead volunteers, parents and children/teens in a relational ministry style, and serve as the chief communicator in these areas.
The role will likely be 4 or 5 days a week (negotiable) with an initial call period of three (3) years. We would envision that the successful applicant would start in January 2024 or by negotiation.
For a full job description and application form, please email or contact Rev Peter Cossgrove at [email protected] or 0416 063 316
Applications will be accepted until 1th November 2023.
Sapphire Coast Anglican College is a P-12, independent, Anglican college and is a Christ-centred, student-focused and community-minded school that develops extraordinary learners with a passion to serve others. Established in 1994, the College is located on the Far South Coast of NSW in the heart of the Bega Valley with an enrolment of approximately 420 students, PK-12.
The College is known for its strong sense of community and pastoral care of students and their families and staff. Sapphire Coast Anglican College has strong links with St John’s Anglican Church in Bega and local churches throughout the Bega Valley.
Sapphire Coast Anglican College is seeking a Chaplain to lead the Christian life of the College, teach Christian Studies lessons and, as a NESA accredited teacher, deliver another subject as well (area subject to skills and abilities).
The Chaplain is a member of the College’s middle leadership team and is chiefly responsible for the gospel ministry of the College in line with the Canberra and Goulburn Anglican Diocesan Ethos Statement. The Chaplain will be a strong Christian who has a passion for the gospel, a heart for mission and ministry and is a passionate educator/community builder.
The appointed applicant would possibly be an ordained minister or at least hold theological/Christian Education qualifications. On appointment the Chaplain would be licensed through the Anglican anberra/Goulburn Diocese and would be supported through a range of chaplaincy networks including the Anglican Schools Australia and the Canberra/Goulburn Diocese
For more information about the role, please see the Job Description and Duty Statement – 2023_Chaplain and Teacher 2023 update
We’re looking for a children and families minister!
St Peter’s is a welcoming Bible teaching church full of diverse and ordinary people in the northern suburbs of Darwin. Our mission is to help everyone grow in Jesus Christ.
We meet as three inter-generational congregations on Sundays, with kids church at all three, catering for up to 60 children.
We are looking for a children and families minister to have primary oversight of ministry to children (birth to year 6) and their families. There is plenty of scope for broader service within the parish.
Together with the rector, you will oversee all aspects of childrens ministry at St Peter’s to serve our church mission, in line with our ministry philosophy. Such plans should include details of programs, curriculum, opportunities for evangelism, involvement in Sunday services and the recruitment and training of leaders. This also includes planning for new ministry opportunities to children.
Essential criteria
- A mature Christian with a commitment to St Peter’s beliefs, values, and mission.
- A passion to see children come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
- Competence in recruiting, training, and encouraging leaders and volunteers to serve.
- Ability to oversee children’s ministry.
- Experience at working creatively with children to grow them as disciples of Jesus Christ.
- Humility and a willingness to join an existing team and ministries.
- A mission heart to live and minister in Darwin.
- Formal theological education.
Conditions of position
Time commitment: This is a full time ministry position.
Remuneration: The Anglican Diocese of the Northern Territory has guidelines for stipend, superannuation, accommodation, annual leave, long service leave, sick leave and workers compensation. Other benefits like ministry expense account, travel allowance, study benefits will be worked out with the rector and wardens. We intend to be generous in providing what you need to live and minister in Darwin.
Due diligence: As an employee of the Anglican Church in the Northern Territory, you will need to comply with all relevant safe ministry clearance checks.
God willing, the role and responsibilities of the children and families minister will develop over time. Therefore this job description will be revised in October/November each year.
For more information, contact Joshua Kuswadi, Rector [email protected] 0421 235 055
Finley – Berrigan Presbyterian Church is seeking someone to lead and equip our congregation into its next chapter of ministry, and to connect with the wider population within our footprint of Finley, Berrigan, Tocumwal, and other smaller townships in the Southern Riverina of NSW.
Our heart and vision is to serve and see our communities come to the true knowledge and love of Jesus Christ, while at the same time pursuing the maturing of our church family in Christ.
We are seeking a person who will convey the heart and core values of the Gospel of Jesus, into both our church and into the towns in our regional area of NSW. Our churches have been established over 100 years. With ups and downs in ministry, our present combined congregation of around forty plus adults has a desire to grow through the conversion of the unchurched.
According the ABS the area of Finley, Berrigan and Tocumwal has a population of 8,665. We estimate 200-250 people attend church across our area, meaning much Gospel ministry to be done.
Finley has the only high school in this area. Each town has a primary school and some have a Catholic primary school. More could be done in SRE ministry, and/or school chaplaincy.
The ideal candidate will possess a love for teaching and a strong desire to help others grow in their faith. Additionally, along with a background in Biblical knowledge the person should be able to relate it to everyday life by applying the bible to contemporary cultural settings.
Character, conviction and competency, are essential for our church and will be considered in the search for the new person. They should be able to mentor and disciple using a biblical approach, and foster friendship among church members. They should be approachable and able to communicate across age demographics
The person will be someone, who:
- Is dependent on Christ as their Saviour, having your identity fixed in Him
- Is reliant on God’s word the Bible, and on the work of the Holy Spirit for their ministry.
- Is willing to connect the church community with their wider community.
- Is willing to work alongside teams with different roles, for example, the Session made up of Elders with responsibility for spiritually and pastorally guiding the church, and the Committee of Management on property and financial matters.
- Has relevant theological training and ministry experience, according to the accrediting requirements of the Presbyterian Church NSW & ACT.
- Aligns with our reformed evangelical beliefs and will adhere to the theological standards of the Presbyterian Church of Australia.
- Is agreeable with relevant WWCC and Police Checks, and willing to complete the Presbyterian Church of NSW Safe Church requirements, known as ‘Breaking the Silence’.
As our minister they will be responsible for:
- Preaching expository sermons using a biblical approach
- Providing pastoral care with the help of elders, study leaders, and others as needed
- Investing in the elders, leaders, and others through mentoring and discipleship
- Facilitating and assisting with mission-focused activities
- Considering new directions of ministry
This will be in accordance with the remuneration recommendations of the Presbyterian Church of NSW & ACT, and subject to negotiation around days or hours you can commit to.
If you wish to discuss this ministry opportunity please contact Maurie Cropper 0424416334 or [email protected]
The mission of Dickson Baptist Church is:
‘To be and make disciples of Jesus, in a loving church, in our local community and beyond.’
Dickson Baptist Church is a small church with a big vision of what God could do in Canberra. There are currently two congregations that meet on a Sunday. A morning congregation of 60-80 regular adults and around 20 children, and an evening congregation of 10-20 regular adults. We have an active kids ministry within our church, and connections to our community through a Mainly Music playgroup.
We are looking for a new associate pastor, to join us in our mission as a church. There are two key aspects to this role:
- Leading and shepherding the evening congregation that was planted in January, 2022
- Establishing a junior youth ministry to disciple the new generation of children that are growing up in our church.
For more about this role, see the attached PDF – Dickson Baptist Church Associate Pastor Role
For more about Dickson Baptist, visit
Sunnybank District Baptist Church
Sunnybank District Baptist Church (SDBC) is currently seeking an experienced Pastor with an exemplary Christlike character and spiritual maturity to fulfill the important role of Senior Pastor. Under God’s direction, the Senior Pastor will continue to provide spiritual and pastoral leadership for the congregations, whilst leading and facilitating SDBC’s ministries in maintaining and developing further a healthy Christian community to fulfill our biblical mission: “Working with God in transforming people into passionate followers of Jesus”.
SDBC is a Christ-centred church, focused on solid Bible-teaching with a strong belief in the importance of prayer. We are a multicultural, multigenerational church serving English, Mandarin and Cantonese congregations (combined 800+ attendees over 5 Sunday services), celebrating our 65th anniversary in 2022. We currently have 3 full time Associate Pastors on staff and many ministry leaders, with a broad range of ages, using their God-given gifts for His Glory.
Our next Senior Pastor would be required to have a clear understanding of the Scriptures and its applications, with a strong grasp of Theology and be a driven leader with a clear vision for our local church. They would need to be a team player with outstanding communication skills, communicating with the Board, Associate Pastors, Elders, Ministry Leaders and the church members.
A key role of the Senior Pastor will be to provide visionary leadership to the church, developing a long-term vision with the Board and with the Pastoral Team and working with the Board to provide a stable leadership and governance for SDBC. They will be responsible for approving and overseeing the preaching of God’s Word throughout the church, equip and encourage spiritual formation and discipleship and be intergenerational in demonstrating God’s love, by leading the church in engaging the surrounding communities.
The Senior Pastor will report directly to the Board and be in agreement with the mission and constitution of SDBC. Candidates will need to be registered and ordained, or be eligible to be, by Queensland Baptist. They will need to have considerable experience leading a congregation with confidence and work collaboratively with others in humility.
To apply for the Senior Pastor position at SDBC , email your expression of interest to [email protected]. An information pack will be sent to you via return email.
Please submit a resume and a cover letter that addresses each of the selection criteria within “our next senior Pastor at SDBC” in the Position Description.
For any queries, please use the above email. Applications will be considered on submission. Apply now by email to [email protected]
Location: General Area – Salisbury/Moorooka/Yeerongpilly
Job Type: Approx 3 days/week with the potential for growth
Contact Person: David Staines
Contact Telephone: 0402 881 977
Contact Email: [email protected]
About Christ Collective
We like pot luck meals, neighbourhood connection, social justice and Jesus. We are a small community church, but we all pitch in. We are creative, contemplative and charismatic. We gather in a hall and in homes. Our vision is to transform our neighbourhoods through Christ’s love. We are currently looking for a lead pastor for our small community.
Christ Collective was founded on a vision of authentic Christian communities sharing life together and drawing others into the warmth of Christ’s love. We are inspired by the early church as seen in the book of Acts.
Some ways we have dreamed of this being fulfilled include:
- Community meals hosting a mix of cultures and backgrounds
- A vibrant place for youth and young adults
- Out of the box liturgy that mixes ancient and contemporary practices
- Growing in our faith as we encounter Jesus together
If we’ve piqued your interest, please contact us.
Your Role
In this role you will:
- Champion the heart of Christ Collective
- Build neighbourhood connections
- Engage with, and disciple, youth and young adults
- Manage some administrative duties with support from eldership and book keeper
A mandatory aspect of this role is:
- Strong Christian Faith and a heart for discipleship
- Eligibility for a Working with Children Bluecard
Preferred aspects:
- Ministry/Chaplaincy or relevant qualification and/or experience preferred
Please send all expressions of interest, with resume to the email address above. For further information, feel free to call for a chat.