Upcoming Intensives for Ministry Workers
QTC regularly offers advanced intensive units taught at Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Levels 8 and 9, which can be included within a variety of Australian College of Theology qualifications.
It is anticipated that most students completing these intensive units will be either:
- those who have already completed a longer theological qualification such as an MDiv, BTh, BD or equivalent, who are typically in vocational ministry, and wish to further develop and enhance their theological training and understanding through completion of a Master of Theological Studies (MTS) with advanced standing, or an MA qualification; or
- students studying a longer first qualification in theology/ministry such as an MDiv, MTS or equivalent (usually on a part-time basis), who have already completed the equivalent of at least one year of theological study and who will benefit from including advanced units such as these in the later stages of their studies.
It may be possible for students to apply the credit gained from completing this unit to qualifications of a relevant AQF level beyond the Australian College of Theology (ACT). Students should contact the relevant non-ACT provider for details.

Dan Block
BB012-812/912 Biblical Theology of Covenant
11-15 September 2023
This unit will study at an advanced level one of the key theological themes of Scripture, the notion of covenance. Specifically, we will explore the forms, nature, and functions of divine covenants in God’s grand plan of redemption as presented in the Hebrew Bible, with significant references to their fulfillment in Christ as presented in the New Testament.
For more information, email [email protected]
‘Intensives for Ministry Workers’ were formerly known as ‘MA Units’.