The Master of Theological Studies (MTS) is a coursework Masters award designed for graduates in theological or other disciplines. It has been created to serve two groups:
- Firstly, those who have already completed a longer theological qualification such as an MDiv, BTh, BMin or equivalent, who are typically in vocational ministry, and wish to further develop and enhance their theological training and understanding.
- Secondly, those who have completed a Bachelor or Masters in a non-theological discipline, who wish to be better equipped for Christian life and for service in their local church or para-church organisation.
The MTS course comprises 16 subject units and can be taken in full-time or part-time mode. Graduates of a BTh, BMin or equivalent, are eligible to receive advanced standing for up to 5 units in the course based on studies completed in their previous theological degree. Graduates of a MDiv or a BTh/BMin (Honours) are eligible to receive advanced standing for up to 8 units of their previous theological degree.
Students may take up to 8 years to complete the MTS, with reduced candidature periods for those who receive advanced standing.
Mode of Study: On Campus and Online
Full information about this ACT course can be found here. See the ACT Coursework Course Enrolment Policy for admission rules and processes.
Admission Requirements:
Academic Qualifications: Completed 3 year bachelor degree or equivalent
Language Qualifications for NESB: IELTS 7.0 overall with a minimum of 7.0 in reading and writing, and 6.5 in listening and speaking OR 10 years in Australia with English being the language primarily spoken both at home and work
Financial Support:
The MTS is accredited by the Queensland Office of Higher Education & its interstate counterparts as an award of the Australian College of Theology, of which QTC is a member college along with around 20 other colleges nationally. As such, it is a recognized course for the purposes of Fee-Help, Austudy, Youth Allowance (provided you meet the government’s eligibility requirements). Current fee levels for units in the MTS can be found here.
What do I study?
For MTS students holding a prior theological degree, there are no set core units required. Your course must include either a research project (of 7000, 12000 or 16000 words), a masters capstone experience, or an independent reading unit. Remaining units will normally be chosen from to one or more intensives offered by QTC each semester. See the Intensives for Ministry Workers page for upcoming units.
MTS students holding a degree in a discipline other than theology take the following units:
- At least four biblical subject units, looking at the Old and New Testaments. You will take at least one of two foundation-level units that survey the whole Old Testament (OT001-712 & OT002-712), and at least one of two foundation-level units that survey the whole New Testament (NT001-712 & NT002-712). You can also choose to study any of our units that focus in-depth on particular parts of the English Bible, such as John, Romans and the Pentateuch. These units can be taken if you have already passed one of the foundation-level units in the same field (OT or NT).
- At least one unit in either church history, theology, or ethics. Normally we’d suggest that you take either Christian Ethics or Reformation Church History, both offered every year. As well as these we offer units in the other key areas of church history – the early church, the modern period, and Australian church and culture. We also offer four units that cover all of the major areas of theology, which you can take once you’ve passed your first subject at QTC.
The MTS is an accredited course of the Australian College of Theology, like the other accredited awards offered at QTC. As such, it is a recognized course for the purpose of Fee-Help to pay for all or part of the fees for the MTS (provided you meet the government’s eligibility requirements), and for Overseas Students (ACT CRICOS provider number is 02650E). Fee-Help application forms and information booklets are available through the QTC office. Fees payable for the current year are available here.
MTS students living regionally who are in paid vocational ministry roles within Queensland, Northern Territory or Northern NSW, who have a completed three or four year theological degree (e.g. MDiv, BTh, BD) are eligible for a reduction of $250 off their fee to offset travel costs.
Credit for MTS units is portable across all of the member colleges of the ACT.
For more information about enrolling in the MTS at QTC email our registrar.
QTC is an affiliated college of the Australian College of Theology. The CRICOS code for the ACT’s Master of Theological Studies is 0100549.